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Discover our top Features

The complete tool-kit for everything you will ever need to transform your workplace

Attendance & Leave Management

Always stay on top of presence & absence hassles

Welcome to the era of efficient attendance management -
Leverage critical information in real-time for easy overtime rejection and approval via an automated process that enables rapid payment calculation

  • Face recognition attendance - safe and secure
  • Mark attendance from anywhere
  • Administer global team under one platform
  • Customize leave calendar
  • Synchronize with ERP & HRMS
  • Customize leave calendar

Overtime Management

Stay ahead by managing overtime in no time

Fully automated overtime calculation that keeps your business agile -
Now manage your workforce with touchless attendance and easy leave management with a seamless and flexible process that covers all your business needs.

  • Handle huge database seamlessly
  • Automated process
  • Three level overtime authorization
  • Exclusive view of employee's report for HOD
  • One click communication for overtime application
  • Multi level view of overtime sanctions for seniors

Shift And Rota Management

Simplified shift scheduling that saves you time & money

Discover effortless scheduling at your fingertips
Get a head start to where the future of Shift & ROTA Management is headed with an easy to use, all in one employee scheduling solution that scales with your business.

  • Control your total costs with real-time data on wages vs sales
  • Create a one-click schedule by leveraging AI optimization
  • Shift works for the empty seats in no time
  • Schedule multiple breaks effortlessly

Onboarding & Exit Management

Stay ahead of the curve with stress-free onboarding

Hire The Workforce That Meets All Your Requirements -
Keep your business agile with our future-ready field force management solution that lets you track your teams in real time, while you create customized forms & processes for various workflows, get customer feedback, enable GEO fencing, and leverage location & distance tracking.

  • Document upload & approval
  • Candidate to employee creation
  • Parametric offer letter generation
  • Background Verification

Contractual Management

Take charge of your contracts with ease & simplicity

Get The Power To Streamline Your Contract Lifecycle -
Transform your business by connecting all kinds of contractual frameworks, and gain advantage by structuring them in an intelligent way to stay ahead from your peers. Now you can create, track, and monitor your workers through completely automated processes.

How Do We Do It?

  • Easy adaptation & optimization
  • Secure and available process regardless of location of employees
  • Compliance connectivity and visibility across all the verticals of business
  • Geocentric access to attendance and control over device
  • User friendly with robust connectivity
  • Separate panel for contractors for daily log in
  • Facial recognition of the authorized person
  • Limited access to workforce through selected device

Field Force Management

Leverage business intelligence to effectively manage your field force

Digitize To Transform Your Field Operations -
Keep your business agile with our future-ready field force management solution that lets you track your teams in real time, while you create customized forms & processes for various workflows, get customer feedback, enable GEO fencing, and leverage location & distance tracking.

  • Automated attendance management for field force with entry & exit features for a day
  • Plan and schedule task assignments, including time tracking for billing process completion
  • Field service, installation, training, and demonstration report after the engineer visit
  • Automated capturing of customer feedback in real time
  • Track number of meetings and details
  • Customize service form as per reporting requirements
  • Track agents travel route and calculate estimated claims
  • Restricting data input or attendance as per geo location

Tax Computation

Paying tax can be taxing. But why should computing tax be?

Calculate on time. Compute right. Pay without delays or errors.
Tax management is every enterprise's duty but it is also a headache- specially when you compute tax the manual and old way. It's time to switch to an intelligent, tech-enabled, and simplified approach to tax computation. Focus on your work, not computing taxes. There's technology to help you with that now. Without any second-guessing. Without missing on deadlines.

  • Time-programmed and self-enabled tax computation processes
  • Good understanding of GST, VAT, corporate taxes - with rules and rates
  • Integration with financial workflows, remittance and compliance
  • Mechanisms to handle validation and exemptions
  • Timely filing and information reporting
  • Real-time changes as per regulatory revisions, when applicable
  • Data-driven and compliance-strong approach to taxes
  • On-demand information and guidance on specific taxes

Financial Consolidation

Consolidation is much more than compressing. It needs brain-power. Not muscles.

Empower the finance function with transparency, intelligence and speed- just what you need.
When finance is consolidated in the right way, it becomes easy for stakeholders, decision-makers and regulators to keep an eye on financial health- without wasting too much time. Well-consolidated financial data nails two goals in one stroke. It puts everything in a digestible and well-packed way. And it makes it ready for improvement, correction and better financial actions.

  • Automated tools for capturing and consolidating information
  • Easy buckets for cold, warm and hot data
  • Aggregation of data from multiple sources like ledgers, statements, cash flow and subsidiaries
  • Actionable reports and markers for crucial areas with in-built intelligence Fast reconciliation and conversions
  • Structured insights and simple frameworks for adherence to various regulators
  • Tools for currency translation, intercompany eliminations and adjustments
  • Strengths to handle disparate data sources and processes
  • Speed and Context for a top-level view
  • Pre-built integration and deployment templates
  • Strong readiness for actionable analytics
  • Amenable for all sizes of business

Performance Management

You cannot improve it unless you can see it.

Elevate productivity and accelerate enterprise goals by using the visibility of real-time data.
It is easy to put a dartboard but it is a whole different challenge to hit the bull's eye, every time. Managing organization performance is ultimately an endeavor that boils down to managing every person's performance. With the sheer diversity of skills, gaps in competencies, confusion about tasks or other on-ground constraints - performance management is always a tough reality. Thanks to technology, this 'difficulty' can be diluted with better visibility on what's happening. Plus, technology can arm managers in fine-tuning specific actions to fix inadequacies of skills or information or resources

  • Data-driven approach to task and expectation management
  • Actionable dashboards on employee performance
  • Flexible choice of metrics - efficiency, revenue per employee, overtime, absenteeism and errors
  • Goal-wise analytics and intelligent recommendations
  • Fast reporting that is driven towards improvement
  • Automated processes for assignment, monitoring and feedback
  • AI-driven Alerts and Guides to employees
  • Granular and role-specific tracking and corrective action
  • In-built and seamless trackers that correspond with LMS, payroll, training and appraisals

Document Management

Papers are not documents. And vice versa.

Delete complications, weight, opacity, errors and disengagement from your documents.
From keeping track on what's happening to staying sharp on compliance needs; document management assumes a strong significance for many businesses today. As digitaliSation penetrates deeper into work and life, enterprises have to relook at the manual, tardy, error-prone and space-hungry approaches of document management. What's the alternative to all that? A new way of document management- that's simple, space-friendly, cost-savvy, spot-on, transparent and ready for good analytics.

  • Automated approval and management of information
  • Focus on single source of truth
  • Green and secure mechanisms for document storage
  • Intelligent access control, integrations and search tools
  • Role-plus-rule-based approvals, audits, actions and workflow
  • In-built alerts on version changes, errors, and access
  • Customised metadata, linking and file management
  • Policy-based import and export with ease and speed
  • Strong back-up and safety tools
  • Context-led management of documents
  • Timely compliance reports and sharp audit trails
  • Device-agnostic and effortless UI
  • Strong readiness for actionable analytics
  • Easy to use, easy to search and easy to store DMS

Defect Tracking

The pebble in the pillow looks small, but it hurts a lot.

Identify defects, fix them and avoid future incidences - quick and sure
Every quality expert, model and philosophy accepts the inevitable presence of defects. Call them errors. Label them as bugs. Or fear them as flaws. But defects always pop up - somewhere, somehow. The pragmatic approach, then, is to be on alert and stay active. Get fast-footed in finding them and addressing them - every time. This can be difficult with human limitations of time, capacity and expertise. But when paired with technology, humans can spot and correct defects - better and faster than ever before.

  • Automation of tracking and identifying defects based on defined metrics
  • Dynamic and optimized definition of metrics as per real-time insights
  • Intuitive and streamlined QA interfaces
  • Data-driven seamlessness of workflows and agile process management
  • Tools for fast and precise capture and reporting
  • Categorisation-enabled testing and correction
  • Easy customisation, reporting and integration
  • A good balance of cost reduction, time optimization and deliverables
  • AI-driven analytics, action and information management for overall QA impact


Manage Finance- the new-age way. Compress it- from the truck to a tray.

Empower the finance function with transparency, intelligence and speed- just what you need.
Finance is the blood of any business. It has to stay flowing, healthy and in the right places. Given the multitude of processes and imperatives that this function deals with, it becomes critical to add fluidity, acceleration and simplicity here. Without compromising on compliance, control and cohesiveness. Something that becomes easy with the right technology. Something that you can transfuse very well with Staqo.

  • Automated tools for managing receivables and payables
  • Fast tracking of inventory, projects and assets
  • Granular and real-time reports on cash flow, P&L and tax
  • Mechanisms for easy GST reporting and ledger reconciliations
  • Pre-built integration and deployment templates
  • Goal-based decision-making and accounting
  • Smooth record-to-report cycle that is driven by intelligence
  • Country-specific compliance capabilities
  • Strong readiness for actionable analytics
  • Amenable for all sizes of business

Lead Management System (LMS)

Skip the distance from May-be to Sure-shot Sales!

Spot, Fine-tune, Attract and Engage Prospects with precision and confidence. Turn them into Customers. Capture and Preserve Leads - The Smart and Spot-on way.

  • Use of automation and AI for lead identification and potential-mapping
  • Accelerate conversion with intelligent and personalised communication
  • Data-driven scoring, targeting and communication
  • Smart and precision-led CRM for every lead
  • Ability to sell to the exact context a prospect is in- through real-time analytics
  • Cover multiple phases and touch-points without gaps or friction
  • Qualify, nurture and deepen relationships beyond transactions- extend .....lifecycle value

Footfall Management

Change footfalls into footprints

Stop missing out on rich possibilities and sales opportunities stepping in all around you. Be alerted about, identify and navigate footfalls in a way that they step out as happy customers.

  • Smart footfall capture and visualisation - Cameras, Bio-metrics and facial- .....recognition
  • High visibility of footfalls at retail outlets, cinemas, stores and malls
  • Quick and rich dashboards with store-wise or segment-wise filters
  • Data-driven tally, tracking, communication and sales support
  • Analytics for perfect insights to sales staff to approach footfalls the smart way
  • Non-intrusive, yet, incisive profiling of footfalls
  • Intelligence and Automation that help with conversion and up-selling

Ticketing Management

Respond fast. Respond right. Respond towards delight

You cannot afford gaps, mistakes, delays and friction while resolving customer support tickets. Fix them quickly while addressing issues with the power of right data. Turn complaints and requests into memorable experiences for your employees and customers.

  • A robust software to create, organise and prioritise tickets
  • Well-timed insights to help support-staff to resolve issues completely
  • Quick path from receipt of issue at a help desk, to a unique ticket, and alerts to the right team
  • Choice of both manual and automated ways for entire ticket assignment
  • Real-time analytics for addressing the exact pain-point
  • Ability to approach customers with complete information
  • Saving precious time for both support staff and ticket-raisers
  • Potential for up-selling and cross-selling and minimising drop-outs
  • Improvement in overall employee/customer experiences and loyalty

Canteen Management

Instant. Well-baked. Easy-to-digest. Canteen Data

Make your cafeteria smooth, well-oiled and swift. Empower your canteen-staff to smoothly create and serve delights that refuel your employees, customers and visitors. Use the right cake-mix of technology.

  • A sleek user interface to seamlessly handle inventory, customers, and orders
  • A smart app for people to track purchases, check the menu, and place orders
  • A hassle-free experience for everyone- backed by data at the back-end
  • Quick and easy for both canteen workers and customers
  • Accessible from any device with an internet connection
  • No delays between the cup and the lip- thanks to smart tech

Visitor Management

Keep a tab on everyone who visits your premises- in real-time ways and without causing any hassles

The smart and sensitive gate-keeper that helps you greet visitors with intelligence and without intrusion.
Tap the advantage of smart, sleek, automated, well-orchestrated and safety-first approach to visitor management

How do we do it:

  • Sharp-but-sleek Facial recognition and image analytics
  • Touchless systems that accelerate authentication
  • High emphasis on security and permission-based entries
  • AI and real-time data for critical alerts and reminders
  • Data-driven dashboards for instant visibility
  • Sensors for precise visitor movement and tracking
  • Easy and instant visualization for security personnel
  • Intelligent gate-keeping and exits - with biometrics and AI
  • Red flags and alarms for security-related alerts- run with in-built intelligence


Say no to that endless avalanche of files and papers. Say yes to fast and spot-on payroll

Doing payroll should be easy and effortless. Do it the intelligent and data-driven way.
Switch from manual and process-heavy systems to the swift and crisp way of doing Payroll

How do we do it:

  • Quick and accurate salary calculations through automated processes
  • Close and real-time alignment with attendance, leave and overtime data
  • Error-free reports based on hours worked, rate of pay and outcomes- driven by analytics
  • Bonus calculation and timely recognition
  • Smooth calculation of sick leaves, half-day and extra time aspects
  • Built-in functionalities for other HR requirements
  • Timely and right disbursements of paychecks and bonuses
  • Master control analytics and monitoring- powered with real-time back-up and easy storage
  • Cohesive tracking and management of business finance across the enterprise


From hiring to engaging - the tunnel vision you need, the funnel vision you want

Leave all the headache and heavy-lifting to us- you focus on the essence- Talent! Let technology help you choose, place, groom, engage and reward the right people- the right way.

How do we do it:

  • Data-centric approach to talent pools and acquisition
  • Analytics-powered and personalised hiring tools
  • Real-time and competitive recruitment - that makes you reach the stars, faster than others
  • AI-fuelled postings, interviews, pre-assessments and checks
  • Quick turnarounds on critical positions with hybrid hiring
  • Access to both synchronous and asynchronous hiring features
  • Seamless and immersive use of Video-hiring, automated tests and quick feedback
  • High engagement with prospects - due to bespoke data and quick insight
  • Faster 'Time to Hire' with on-the-spot dashboards
  • Cost-smart hiring with minimal hours, resources and processes spent on hiring

Travel & expense with Reimbursement

If it's just logistics, why spend everyone's precious time on these bits.

Fast-track all travel and expense areas with precision, speed and employee satisfaction
Remove redundancies and add agility in bookings, claims and reimbursements. Do it the digital way.

How do we do it:

  • Use of AI and automation for intuitive and fast request-bookings
  • Real-time and well-tailored resolution of travel requests and claims
  • Well-aligned dashboards and quick-peeks at leave data, meeting schedules and targets
  • Easy and digitally-savvy mechanisms for employees to file for expenses and tours
  • Rule-based algorithms for fast settlements and disbursements
  • A cohesive and accuracy-emphatic approach that does not sideline employee morale
  • Speed-backed tools that do not compromise on efficacy and integrity
  • In-built alerts for frauds, misappropriation of gaps in data
  • Highly engaging and friction-minus solutions for travel and claims

Fire & Safety

Be a step ahead. Be alert. Be ready. Be swift.

Manage safety hazards and emergency response without wasting a nanosecond.
Safety and health observations are not just regulatory requisites but everyday imperatives for any organization. Whether it is manufacturing or construction premises or a simple office; safety hazards and loopholes can burn a lot- in accidents, in brand reputation, in penalties and in employee trust. Managers, supervisors and employees need tools they can completely depend upon - so that they can capture such gaps well in advance, and notify the right people for corrective measures. This module is built for the dangers and questions of today and tomorrow. It empowers your people to make safety pervasive, consistent and crack-free.

How Do We Do It?

  • Instant alerts on red flags and fragile areas
  • Use of high-definition images and data for safety observation
  • Quick enablement of redressal and critical action
  • Data-driven dashboards for instant visibility and checklists
  • Swift measures for dealing with harmful behaviours and situations
  • Rapid incident control, bounce-back and compliance-actions
  • Analytics on causes, context, structure and propensity for danger
  • Scheduled observations and deep-dive investigations
  • Leveraging past data for comparisons, assessments and references
  • Granular reporting as per time, place, date and remarks
  • Touchless interfaces for easy action
  • Customization as per vertical and degree of hazard
  • AI and analytics for accidents, penalties and safety standards
  • Support on regulatory reports, audits and documentation

Meeting Management

Make meetings productive, fast, worth a dash

Capture minutes, share take-away-s and to-do lists. Allot work - and be set for the next one
Why to make meetings another task? Another blind spot. Another time-guzzler. Why not make them work for you - and not the other way round? Tap automation and intelligence for getting more out of those meetings. Jotting down ideas, important reminders and cues have proven to be big boosters of innovation and productivity. With some smart technology, you can spend less time and get out more from your meetings. So that every meeting is full of value, impact and outcomes.

How Do We Do It?

  • Real-time documentation of meeting-minutes
  • Features for quick extraction and translation
  • Automated synopsis and sharing with other participants
  • Conversion of notes into visualized data
  • Availability and co-chart dashboards with previous and ensuing meetings
  • Smart management of all notes as per categories, action-items and person
  • Automated reminders on key pointers

Dynamic Replenishment

AI powered for Inventory Management

Capabilities -

  • Automatically set and adjust buffer size using the latest data trends, validated through back-testing results and techniques.
  • Minimize stockouts and overstocking to maintain optimal inventory l.evels.
  • Automatically manages new launches, upgrades, and volatility.
  • Minimize NPA Incase of upgrades and discontinuations.
  • Automatically detects custom size and bulk orders.
  • Provide mal-time 360-degme visibility to all stakeholders, including dealers.

Material Management

  • Indent creation with multiple levels of Approval
  • Purchase Order, Scheduling, and amendment.
  • Work Order
  • Gate Entry for Incoming Material
  • Material Receipt Note
  • Inspection
  • Purchase Invoice
  • Payment Processing
  • Return Handling
  • Job Work Accounting
  • Physical Stock Take
  • Dynamic Replenishment
  • Store & Sub Stores (Multiple Stores) Management
  • Non-performing or low moving assets
  • Inventory Valuation
  • Accounting & Inventory Reconciliation
  • Vendor Rating
  • Stock- Receipt & Issue for Internal consumption
  • VBOM based Consumption Accounting
  • Material Traceability through RFID & QR Code
  • Inventory Analysis & Dashboard
  • Vendor portal

Warehouse Management


  • Delivery Efficiency
  • Consolidated view of the Inventory
  • NPA Visibility and Alerts
  • Stock Out Visibility & Alerts
  • Route Planning
  • Logistics Accounting
  • Variance Report- Physical vs Books
  • 360-degree view of stocks across units/ branches
  • Traceability of products through QR Code
  • Credit hold orders visibility
  • Pending order visibility
  • Rack Stocking


  • Order Acceptance
  • Route wise Dispatch Planning
  • Dispatch and Invoicing
  • Material Receipt
  • Return Handling
  • Replenishment
  • Physical Stock Take
  • Auto Ordering from Replenishment System
  • EPOD Confirmation

Customer Relationship Management


  • Complaint Management
  • Lead Management
  • Warranty Database
  • Communication Channels
  • Footfall Management
  • Dealer Helpdesk
  • Analytics & Reports



  • Purchase Bill
  • Expense Advice
  • Freight Outward Accounting
  • Advance Advice
  • Payment Advice
  • Sales Journal (Auto)
  • Schemes Management
  • Claim Management
  • Bank Receipts
  • Credit Control
  • Pre-paid Expenses
  • Fixed Asset Accounting
  • Hedge Accounting
  • Sales Return


  • Ageing Reports of Creditors & Debtors
  • Trial Balance
  • Account Statement (Ledger)
  • Cost Centers
  • Access based Credit Limit Approval
  • Two-level Approval for Manual Vouchers
  • Ecommerce and Platform Integration
  • Bank Integration
  • Bank Reconciliation
  • Balance Confirmation

Costing & TP


  • Raw Material valuation
  • Raw material Consumption
  • BOM for Finished Products


  • Real time Cost Computation at Transactional Level
  • Drill Down of the Cost
  • Variances Impacting the Financials
  • Futuristic Cost for Pricing Decisions
  • Throughput Check in the Order
  • Throughput Analysis Division wise, Brand wise, Customer wise, etc.

Major Masters


  • Classification Master
  • Product Master
  • Finish / Inventory Master
  • Packing Standard
  • Tax/ HSN Code Master


  • MRP Master & Billing Structure
  • Discount Master
  • Contract Pricing
  • Industrial pricing master with provision master

Customer & Vendor

  • Customer Master
  • Credit Limit Master
  • Vendor Master


  • Account Grouping
  • Chart of accounts
  • Cost Center Masters

Maximize productivity and minimize errors with our contractual workforce attendance management.

Streamline Attendance Management for Your Contractual Workforce with our simplified solution.

Avoid proxy punching and Incorrect Clock-ins

Face recognition-based attendance system

GPS Geofenced based Time and Attendance tracking

Automate Overtime and Shift Roster

Payroll-ready Reports

Splash some intelligence - and unlock a new experience

Crafted with the power of AI and the expertise of enterprise IT- We are here to stretch your limits

  • AI-powered and Mobile-First
  • Easily compatible, customisable and composable
  • Ready to power a hybrid workplace

Easy To Customize

Presence360 adapts itself to your scale, gaps, needs and people. It morphs beautifully around your processes and takes you ahead.

Not too many nuts and bolts. Just hit the button and get going….

Drive Results With The Swiss Knife of Presence360

Designed to lead your enterprise towards reduced costs, high performance and employee-delight


To meet your goals and actual challenges of HR and ops

Seamless and Effortless

No deployment headache. And minimal disruption to your uptime

A full basket

Everything you can think of is available here- just name it


It’s as easy as swiping a finger on a screen. Quick. Immediate. Impactful

Loved by Customers- Worldwide

We cater to every pain-point, every dream, every size, every vertical- wherever you are


Attendance marked



"Presence360 was like a genie in a bottle. I kept asking for magic and it kept happening. My workplace is so much faster, so power-packed and so fluid now"
“This platform is comprehensive but it is not complicated. It’s simple to plug in. And the support team makes everything easy to roll”
“I never knew that so much can happen by using AI and automation in HR. Happily shocked. Going for more!”

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